Rappelling in Israel and Canyoning is most beautiful sport in nature

Canyoning in Israel. There is no activity in nature that can be compared to the excitement and the thrill that the canyon gives to the people who are rappelling through them.

Rappelling in Israel and Canyoning

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What is the “canyoning” sport?

“Canyoning” is exploring the Canyon and going down through it using the technic of ropes, which is known as rappelling in Israel. Entering a canyon that is only accessible is very exciting and challenging. As well obviously, it requires skills in using rappelling in Israeli gear or the services of someone who knows how to use ropes.

There is no activity in nature that can be compared to the excitement and the thrill that the canyon gives to the people who are rappelling through them. The activity is going like that.

Rappelling in Israel and Canyoning

The group enters the canyon and starts going down drop after drop along the canyon in every rappel, and we need to stop setting up the ropes.

Again, every canyon is a different story every time we arrive at the next rappel. The canyon is very much different from each other some canyon is short and has only 1/2 rappels to go down, and some have 50 rappels before coming out of it.

Some have small rappel, and some have giant rappel. Some are deep and narrow, some are wide, some have running water, and some are dry.

Deferent experience in Rappelling

There are canyons you need to swim across many pools and use a dry suit like divers, especially in the European canyon that has cold running water through them.

In some of them, there is warm running water like the Canyons. In Jordan, some of the most amazing canyons are completely dark during the daytime since they are so deep and narrow that there is no daylight in them, and we must use a flashlight to move forward through them.

Canyons in Israel

In Israel, there are five canyons in the Judean desert along the dead sea and another one in the northern part of Israel in the Golan Heights.

The southern canyon is dry except for 1 of them, the “Raahaf canyon” near Mazda south of the dead sea. This canyon contains flood water. In some years, it is dry.

Since no floods are running and filling it, the other canyon in the south is “Qumran, which attracts many tourists since the dead sea scrolls were found in a cave.

Rappelling in Israel for the family

The canyon is a friendly and easy canyon for families who are looking for an easy Canyoning experience. The next one is the “Tmarim Canyon,” which is much harder and longer than “Qumran,” and right after the south, there is the “Tur Canyon,” which has easy access to it but giant drops (the biggest is 300 ft). This canyon in the south is good all year round except in the summer when the temperature is very high.
In the southern part of Israel, for the summer season, we have the northern canyon, known as the black canyon or “Hanakik Hashachor” in Hebrew, the nicest attraction Israel can offer in the hot season. Rappelling in Israel through a magnificent canyon with a running freshwater swimming pool many times along the course helps you to break down the heat.
The black canyon is closed during winter since the temperature of the water is very low and the stream is too strong. It is also limited to 100 ppl per day, and it is very popular there to require pre-reservation if you want to rappel it.


To help you decide on the appropriate activity and answer all questions, we have also put together FAQs for people also ask. For any questions and clarification regarding the routes, please leave us details, and we will be happy to get back to you with additional information relevant to your group.

איתמר דרדיק - אשדות אקסטרים

Itamar Derdik

The company "Ashdot - Rappelling and Challenge Tours in Israel" has been engaged in the field of adventure sports for over 25 years, starting in 1991. The company deals in extreme sports in Israel and manages a store for the sale of abseiling equipment.

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